Bird Removal for Commercial Office Properties

Small suburban office building

Commercial office properties such as Class A, Class B, and Class C classifications are located in urban or suburban areas that provide space suitable for office-related activities. Commercial office properties vary in height–skyscrapers, high-rise, mid-rise, or low-rise–and often provide ample parking and well-maintained landscaping/grounds.

Commercial office properties attract a variety of nuisance bird species including Canada geese, gulls, pigeons, starlings, sparrows and turkey vultures. These sites often provide shelter and an array of water and food sources.  

Common bird problem areas at commercial office properties include but are not limited to:

  • Building signage
  • Building eaves and awnings
  • Windows
  • Rooftops
  • Assets (e.g., HVAC)
  • Parking lots and garages

The Issues Birds Cause

Property & Asset Damage

The green spaces and elevated surfaces present at office parks are attractive to multiple bird species. The accumulation of bird droppings and nesting materials can damage turf grass and landscaping, roof membranes, and HVAC units, and clog roof drains. Birds of varying sizes can also damage windows either unintentionally (collision) or intentionally (pecking). The disruption birds cause often increases associated cleaning and maintenance costs.

Facility Health Risks

Bird droppings have been documented to harbor over 60 dangerous bacteria and diseases, including salmonella. The accumulation of these substances near HVAC units can negatively impact building air quality. Further, the continual presence of nuisance birds and the accumulation of their droppings and nesting material presents aesthetic challenges that may be off-putting to workers and visitors.

Human Health & Safety Risks

Accumulated bird droppings create unsanitary conditions and can increase the risk of slip hazards. In extreme circumstances, employees and contractors have even refused to work in such conditions until long-term solutions were realized. Furthermore, during their respective nesting seasons, nuisance birds can become aggressive, endangering employees, contractors and visitors.

Commercial Office Bird Management Solutions

Commercial office properties can manage their nuisance bird issues by leveraging bird management solutions, including a trained canine harassment program, nest and egg management, handheld lasers, window decals, and structural deterrents. The most appropriate solution will be property-specific and should be based upon the specific bird species involved and the behaviors the birds exhibit.