Pest birds cause $30-50 million in damages to properties, assets, roofs, and ventilation systems annually. Industrial properties are prone to a number of pest bird issues, particularly their facilities, loading docks, facilities, and environmental impact.

Pest bird droppings contain uric acid which can erode concrete and other materials (e.g., pipes, beams, wires, equipment), so accumulation of bird droppings may lead to a reduction in an asset’s life and/or increase immediate and ongoing maintenance costs associated with those assets. Furthermore, if assets become damaged their downtime can have a drastic effect on the company’s bottom line. Smaller birds such as pigeons, sparrows, and starlings are the most common pest birds to affect these facilities.
Loading Docks
Loading docks are an ideal environment for pest birds as they provide physical cover from the elements and essentially guarantee multiple areas on which to nest/roost (e.g., beams, ledges, pipes, etc.). If droppings and/or nesting materials accumulate on the ground there is an increased risk of worker slip and/or fall, which may result in injury and corresponding legal action. Smaller birds such as pigeons, sparrows, and starlings are the most common pest birds to nest/roost in loading docks.
Environmental Impact
In cases of disaster response mitigating immediate and long-term negative environmental impacts
Nest Removal
Removing pest bird nests is an effective maintenance technique that mitigates the immediate effects of pest bird activity. A short-term solution designed to provide immediate impact, pest bird nesting materials are removed and disposed of according the highest safety and environmental standards.
Bird Netting
Netting is the strongest and most versatile bird exclusion system in the world. This system denies pest birds’ access to any structural configuration, including courtyards, roof tops, overhangs, parking garages, etc. The best application of netting encloses or blocks off each access point used by the pest birds.
Custom Metal Exclusions
Custom Metal Exclusions are used on ledges, edges, and any narrow flat surface where pest birds can perch or nest. Custom Metal Exclusions completely protect the ledge against all bird species because birds cannot land on the slanted surface. This is a good application where other products like netting may be visually unappealing.
Automatic Agrilaser
The installation of an Agrilaser acts as a visual deterrent for pest birds roosting or nesting in or on commercial properties and/or on structural installations.
Bird Spikes
Despite its harsh-sounding name, bird spikes are a humane and highly effective bird deterrent system. When birds approach a potential roosting area they see there is no solid place to land and are prohibited from landing–birds do not actually come in contact with the spikes. The product is made of pre-formed spike strips that have wires attached to a base which can to be installed on nearly any structural configuration.