Window Collisions & Why Fall is the Worst Time for Birds

Sep 8, 2022

Window Collisions

A Swainson’s thrush lies amid fall leaves
after a window collision.

Window collisions are a leading cause of bird deaths with an estimated one BILLION birds dying every year. The majority of these deaths occur in the fall, during the annual migration south to wintering grounds.

What makes windows so deadly for birds in the fall? A window collision is just as deadly in any other season. But two main factors contribute to the higher death toll during fall migration.

  1. More birds. Birds spend the summer raising broods and the overall bird population is highest in the fall. Many species of songbirds raise multiple batches of chicks over the summer months. More birds = more collisions.
  2. Inexperienced birds. This year’s crop of chicks is migrating for the first time and they don’t have the same experience as adult birds in finding the right places to stop for rest or food or water. They’re exhausted and hungry and a reflected tree looks very inviting. Bird mortality due to natural causes is also higher in birds on their first migration.

This red-breasted nuthatch sits with a concussion after
striking a window that reflects a beautiful picnic area.

Professional Strategies for Minimizing Bird Window Collisions

Fall can be an amazing time to go birdwatching as dozens of species of songbirds are dripping from every tree and bush. But it’s also a dangerous time for the birds we love and a difficult time for the owners and occupants of buildings at high risk for bird collisions. We can help your building become bird safe. We offer scientific unbiased assessments, collision monitoring, window treatment plans, and more.

Reach out to the experts at Migratory Bird Management to learn more about effective strategies for preventing bird collisions at your building.

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This is no cloud angel, but the collision imprint of a bird on a window that reflected the freedom of blue skies.

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