Chase Extends Beyond Geese to Other Pest Birds and Structural Deterrent Solutions

May 24, 2016

In addition to Canada Geese, Migratory Bird Management (MBM) is experienced in addressing all types of pest bird problems, including: gulls, pigeons, sparrows, starlings, and turkey vultures.

  • MBM has a combined 60+ years of construction, 30+ years of bird biology, and 20+ years of structural bird work experience.
  • Over 50% of structural property maintenance repair occurs between May and September.
Chase Extends Beyond Geese to Other Pest Birds and Structural Deterrent Solutions

Migratory Bird Management was founded in 2009 with a primary focus on Canada geese management. Over the years, their expertise has been recognized by commercial, retail, and industrial property managers in Milwaukee, Chicagoland, Iowa, Indiana, and North Carolina.

However, MBM is not solely a goose control company–MBM is experienced working with clients around addressing all pest bird problems, particularly gulls, pigeons, sparrows, starlings, and turkey vultures.

As properties have become highly concentrated in urban/ peri-urban environments pest bird problems have also become concentrated and amplified. Annually, pest birds cause $30-50 million in damages to properties, assets, roofs, and ventilation systems. Property managers are constantly balancing their property’s structural needs with increasing building/ environmental regulations and constrained maintenance budgets.

Combined, MBM has 60+ years of experience in trade industries such as construction, roofing, carpentry, and welding as well as specialized fields including 30+ years of bird biology experience. MBM creates integrated solutions customized to meet client’s needs. Rather than solely selling bird exclusion products MBM partners with property/ building managers around creating solutions which meet their structural/ environmental needs.

Leaders that Understand Property Managers

MBM, through its affiliate business Wild Goose Chase, has been an active member of the BOMA Suburban Chicago for 18 years, and has served in leadership roles within the organization for over 10 years. Sue Hagberg, President of MBM, currently serves on the Program Committee and served on the Board of Directors in 2015. In addition, Mike Michalski, Branch Business Development Manager for MBM, is currently active in BOMA Wisconsin, IREM Milwaukee Chapter, IFMA Southwest Wisconsin Chapter and WASBO. Through active participation and leadership in these worthwhile organizations MBM has a thorough understanding of the challenges facing property/ building managers. 

With over 500 clients – ranging from golf courses to food-processing facilities, mixed-use housing to architectural heritage sites, airports to public parks, and much more – MBM is more than a Canada geese management company. With diverse and deep experience, MBM partners with property/ building managers around creating solutions which meet their structural/ environmental needs. Such commitment to the clients’ needs has lead to a 90% or more renewal rate of pest bird management contracts for the past five years.

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