Tag Archive: agricultural bird conflicts (12)

Effective Bird Deterrence Strategies for Viticulture

Agriculture WGC Blogs

August 9, 2022
Dealing with pests is an ongoing challenge when it comes to managing a vineyard. From planting through harvesting, your hard work is at risk of becoming some other creature’s buffet. Birds are among the most voracious of pests, especially during the onset of ripening, known in the industry as the... Read More

Saving Grapes: Autonomic Lasers for Winery Orchards

Agriculture MBM Blogs

April 21, 2022
By: Vanessa Williams, Animal Behaviorist & Canine Handler For as long as humans have been enjoying wine, we have been competing with birds for the fruits of our labor. Ripening grapes are a bird delicacy, filled with the energy and hydration needed to bulk up for winter and migrate long... Read More