Month: December 2020

The Best Bird Control Products for Migration Season

MBM Blogs

December 16, 2020
The Mississippi flyway is a major migration path that follows the Mississippi River. Millions of migrating birds, around 325 species and 40% of US populations, use this route to migrate between wintering grounds in the northern US and Canada, and breeding grounds in the southern states, and Central and South... Read More

Which Bird Control Products Work Best During the Bird Migration Season?

WGC Blogs

December 16, 2020
The Mississippi flyway is a major migration path that follows the Mississippi River. Millions of migrating birds, around 325 species and 40% of US populations, use this route to migrate between wintering grounds in the northern US and Canada, and breeding grounds in the southern states, and Central and South... Read More

How Birds Impact the Dairy Industry

WGC Blogs Agriculture

December 15, 2020
For better and for worse, birds are an important part of agriculture. They eat many insect pests, provide rodent control, and even pollinate some flowers. They also cause a lot of damage by consuming crops and feed and spreading diseases to livestock. For farmers, the risks of certain bird populations... Read More

The Impact of Birds on the Dairy Industry

MBM Blogs Agriculture

December 15, 2020
For better and for worse, birds are an important part of agriculture. They eat many insect pests, provide rodent control, and even pollinate some flowers. They also cause a lot of damage by consuming crops and feed and spreading diseases to livestock. For farmers, the risks of certain bird populations... Read More

How Birds Impact the Dairy Industry

WGC Indy Blogs Agriculture

December 15, 2020
For better and for worse, birds are an important part of agriculture. They eat many insect pests, provide rodent control, and even pollinate some flowers. They also cause a lot of damage by consuming crops and feed and spreading diseases to livestock. For farmers, the risks of certain bird populations... Read More

Pandemics, Birds, and Migration: What You Should Know

WGC Blogs

December 3, 2020
Covid-19 has upended many aspects of modern human life in ways that are likely to stay with us even after it is gone. But as dramatic as the changes have been, Covid-19 is not a one-of-a-kind event. Covid is a zoonotic disease, meaning it originated in animals and then mutated... Read More

Pandemics, Birds, and Migration: What You Should Know

WGC Indy Blogs

December 3, 2020
Covid-19 has upended many aspects of modern human life in ways that are likely to stay with us even after it is gone. But as dramatic as the changes have been, Covid-19 is not a one-of-a-kind event. Covid is a zoonotic disease, meaning it originated in animals and then mutated... Read More

Important Information About Bird Migration and Pandemics

MBM Blogs

December 3, 2020
Covid-19 has upended many aspects of modern human life in ways that are likely to stay with us even after it is gone. But as dramatic as the changes have been, Covid-19 is not a one-of-a-kind event. Covid is a zoonotic disease, meaning it originated in animals and then mutated... Read More